Thursday, July 23, 2015

L in 100 Words

L words include: Lazy. That's it. Because I've been lazy. Oh, I have a good reason. I've just come out of finals. Whew! I'm done with that semester. Thanks goodness. I have a lovely 7-week break ahead of me and I'm currently at my sisters. It's the best.

So yes, I was lazy and I probably could have written posts while going through hell, but I knew they wouldn't be any good (not that these are any good); I just didn't want to make you suffer through reading them. Thanks for the patience. I promise to not be lazy anymore.

Friday, July 17, 2015

K is 100 Wrods

A 'k' reminds me of koala.  I think they look very cute.  They do, but man, do they smell. Seriously.  I was in Australia for a visit and I got right up close and personal with a koala.  It smelled so bad.  Also the caretaker, or maybe it was my mom, I can't seem to remember at the present time, said that these animals are basically drugged on the eucalyptus leaves so they don't try to leave.  And I think that's sad.  

Obviously I love zooss, but not when the animals is abused. I think we have to change something

Thursday, July 16, 2015

J in 100 Words

I wish that today was "t" day. Yesterday there was a "Tornado watch/warning" around my town. I've never been in a tornado, and most likely never will be. Nothing came. So maybe it's good that today is "j" day. JK!!!

Really though, there was a Tornado watch and it didn't even touch us. I actually don't think a tornado really happened. Sigh.

But 'j' words are funny. 'J' is just a funny letter.
Just can mean two things: Just as in justice, and just as in only. (Edmund the Just versus Can you be serious for just one second?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I in 100 Words

I thought of two different things in regards to the letter 'I'.  First off: I.  It's very self centered. In other languages (when I say other languages I mean Dutch) they use the word 'ik' to represent yourself. At least that that has two letters. I don't know it seems very self centered.

Second: igloos which always leads in my mind to penguins. I love penguins. I watched March of the Penguins and cried. They are so sweet and just trying to survive. I know it's the order of life, but I wish we could make life easier for them.

H in 100 Words

"H" seems to be one of the less friendly letters. There are four wall, two on each side and two and each 'hemisphere'.  It reminds me of the word 'hate' and I really don't like that word. I know that I use it often in my language (although it's usually in the context of: I hate, well I don't hate, but strongly dislike this person.) but it inspires so much bad beyond it.

When you hate someone you give yourself no chance to love them. No chance is given them to be something un-hate-able. I think that is true hate.

Monday, July 13, 2015

G in 100 Words

G. It reminds me of turkeys (gobble, gobble.) And gangsters. You know, the Gs.  My brother would always take the first letter of our name and the add the word 'dog' to the end. I was 'roy-dog'. One of my sisters call me roy, so there you go. My sister Jenny was J-dog. We are officially a gang of siblings. Pretty darn threatening. Straight up G!

That last sentence just made me feel awkward. Honestly, I don't really know what to think when I think of the letter 'G'.  I suppose I think about the word great. Yup, that's it.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

F in 100 Words

F is not my favorite letter. I remember when I first learned the f-word I honestly had no idea what it meant. I knew it was bad, but no idea of the actually meaning. Then when I was in high school my German teacher said she'd listened to a talkshow that kept using the f-word. They realized they couldn't do that given their viewership, so they used the word 'floss' instead.

So now I think of that word when something bad happens.

Floss that! Floss you!

Usually I laugh so much that I forget why I was mad. It works.